Schatz Anderson and Associates are proud to announce they have received a Tier 1 recognition in the state of Utah for Best Law Firm in Criminal Defense: General Practice by U.S. News- Best Lawyers©.
According to the publication, “a firm must have at least one attorney who is recognized in the current edition of Best Lawyers in a “Best Law Firms” ranked practice area / metro area”. The process also includes professional references, client references, and ballots cast from attorneys that are currently on the Best Lawyers list.

Schatz Anderson And Associates Named Best Criminal Defense
Being named Best Law Firm in Utah for Criminal Defense, reflects Schatz Anderson’s abilities, professional expertise and experience, earning top levels of respect and recognition from other leading attorneys and clients in the same regional practice area.
Having a council that is qualified and experienced is pivotal for individuals facing the threat of criminal prosecution. For the individuals facing charges, the choice of the criminal defense counsel makes all the difference. Schatz Anderson and Associates have been taking on this responsibility with outstanding integrity for over 50 years. The criminal defense attorneys will continually take pride in providing excellent legal services to the clients and community in the state of Utah.
Regional TIER 1 RANKING:
– Criminal Defense: General
The U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Ranking by Tiers” Because firms were often separated by small or insignificant differences in overall score, we use a tiering system rather than ranking law firms sequentially.
*The number of tiers included in each practice area or metropolitan area ranking varies, and some specialties may not be ranked in metro areas in which there is not enough data to provide rankings in a particular specialty.
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